Beef Curry Potato. Buy us a cup of coffee. Thank you all so much for watching our recipe videos and supporting our channel. If you would to further support and help us.
Add the beef and the curry powder(s) and stir for five minutes, letting the meat brown and get coated in the spices. Beef and potatoes are simmered with rice vinegar, molasses, and curry powder. This beef with potato curry is also known as aloo gosht. Anda Bisa masak Beef Curry Potato menggunakan 11 bahan dan 4 Langkah. Inilah cara Anda mencapai itu.
Bahan-Bahan dari Beef Curry Potato
- Anda Perlu dari daging sapi.
- ini dari kentang (berat setelah di kupas).
- ini dari santan instant 65 ml + air 485 ml.
- ini dari tomat uk.sedang.
- ini dari bamer, rajang halus (pengganti bawang bombay).
- Persiapkan dari baput, rajang halus.
- ini dari kecap manis.
- ini dari biji pala yg di parut.
- Anda Perlu dari garam.
- Anda Perlu dari kaldu bubuk.
- Anda Perlu dari minyak goreng, untuk menumis.
What's great about this Indian beef curry is that you can easily replace beef with meats like lamb or mutton as well. This stir-fry pleases the family that loves meat and potatoes. Add as much or as little curry powder Thinly slice beef into bite size strips. The curry powder makes the dish a little bit spicy, but still very aromatic and delicious.
Beef Curry Potato Langkah - Langkah
- Potong dadu kentang, cuci bersih. Panaskan minyak goreng, masukkan potongan kentang. Goreng agak kering, setelah itu angkat & tiriskan..
- Panaskan minyak goreng, masukkan bawang putih tumis sampai harum. Setelah itu masukkan bawang merah, tumis sampai semua bawang agak kuning kecoklatan..
- Baru masukkan daging yg sdh di rebus slm 30 menit, aduk" merata. Masukkan kentang yg sdh di goreng, aduk kembali..
- Beri santan instant yg sdh diberi air & potongan tomat, tunggu sampai mendidih. Terakhir masukkan kecap manis, kaldu bubuk, garam & parutan biji pala. Aduk merata, cicipi rasa. Matikan api & taruh di piring saji. Siap di hidangkan 🍛.
For the beef curry, heat the oil in a large pan and fry the steak pieces, stirring frequently, until For the sweet potato mash, place the cooked sweet potato into a bowl with the cream and lemon juice. Pressure Cooker Burmese Beef Potato Curry. I wasn't familiar with Burmese food until I moved to Minnesota and have a Burmese friend. Keywords: thai beef curry, beef curry with potatoes, yellow curry paste. So I love this awesome Thai recipe because it's so beefy (for him) and potato-ee (for me) Meat for him.